Membership benefits:
Artist page on our website www.squamishvisuals.com with link to yours
Eligibility to participate in Squamish ArtWalk, Adventure Centre Display
and other VISUALS shows/events -
Eligibility to participate in the annual Foyer Gallery Group Show
Updates on local art events and workshops
Welcoming events, networking and mentoring opportunities
Developing your marketing skills and improving your sales
Your commitment as a member:
Volunteer some time and energy to support the success of VISUALS
To attend meetings and vote
To participate
We are looking for artist volunteers to help organize our events.
Let us know if you have interests in:
Graphics/Design, Signage
Publicity, Event Listings on the Internet
Web/Blog Updates
Artcrawl Co-ordinator
Adventure Centre Co-ordinator
Donating/Canvassing for Art Prizes
Membership, VISUALS Board positions, Secretary, Treasurer
Squamish Arts Council Representative
Grant Writer
Selling Raffle Tickets
Posters/Flyers Distribution in Squamish, North of Squamish to Whistler, South & into Vancouver
Please complete all sections of this form and mail it with your payment to:
VISUALS, Box 1482, Squamish, BC, V8B 0G1